ANNOUNCEMENT: WordPress Migration…Our New Home

INK WELLness is beginning it’s exciting migration from to  If you are an INK WELLness subscriber, the transition should be flawless.  If you are not, simply visit  INK WELLness will be powering it’s website with to provide better access, information, and a more comprehensive, interactive website.  Our company is growing!  Health communications are growing.  I hope you continue to grow with us.

Join us for our upcoming “house warming” as we move and flow into our new space:

About inkwellness

INK health and wellness written communication with soul Simple-minded suburbanite: peaceful/riotous, decisive/confused, solitary/social, analytical/flightly, artistic/logical, ambitious/settled, spiritual/hedonistic, open/closed, sexy/shy, intellectual/dumbfounded, writer, mother, lover, therapist, friend, woman, an original amongst replicas. View all posts by inkwellness

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